What is Islamic finance?

Islamic finance refers to financial activities that comply with Sharia law, which prohibits interest (riba) and promotes ethical and socially responsibility

What are the key principles of Islamic

The key principles of Islamic finance include prohibition of interest (riba), sharing of profit and loss (mudarabah), asset-based financing (ijara),

What is Murabaha?

Murabaha is a type of Islamic financing where the lender purchases an asset and sells it to the borrower at a higher price, allowing the borrower to pay in installments over a period of time.

What is Ijara?

Ijara is a leasing arrangement in Islamic finance where the lessor owns the asset and leases it to the lessee for a Profit.

What is Takaful?

Takaful is a cooperative insurance concept in Islamic finance, where participants contribute to a pool of funds to provide mutual financial protection against specified risks.

How can I contact Islamic Asset Finance?

You can contact Islamic Asset Finance by filling out the form on our Contact page.

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